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Updates to SIRIS

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Welcome to the SIRIS updates page! Here we post a high-level summary of new reporting and data added to SIRIS. The most recent updates are listed at the top of the page, and grouped by calendar year. If you have any questions, please reach out to us at


Update the organization and report "bucket" titles on the SIRIS Website Portal and SIRIS Portal in BI.

Add 5 GPA fields as includable columns to the My Former Students Tab in My Department - These 5 are career-specific most recently available cumulative GPA columns, including, Most Recent Cumulative UG GPA, Most Recent Cumulative GR GPA, Most Recent Cumulative GSB GPA, Most Recent Cumulative LAW GPA, Most Recent Cumulative MED GPA

New optional academic year filter in Class Enrollment Summary Dashboard, Class Student Characteristics tab

New Additional Details pivot table for Non-Professoriate Instructors in Annual Academic Summaries dashboard - Displays counts for instructor groups and instructor subgroups of non-professoriate instructors.

New includable fields added to the My Advisors tab in My Department - In the Current Advisees reports, you can now include the following fields: Current Academic Plan(s), Completed Academic Plan(s).

New Primary Department fields for faculty - Within four subject areas (Student Advising, Postdoctoral Appointments, Instruction by Main Class, & Instruction by Any Class) we have added individual faculty member's Primary Department Code and Description fields.

Knight-Hennessey Scholar Start Date added to Student Advising Subject Area

New PostDoc Active in Term Indicator field added to Postdoctoral Appointments Subject Area

New Class Add/Drop Consent Description & Waitlist Auto Enroll Indicator fields - These new fields have been added to four subject areas (Class Offering, Student Class Enrollment, Instruction by Main Class, & Instruction by Any Class) within the Class Section Characteristics folder.

Class Instructor Group Indicators added to Class Offering Subject Area - Within the folder pathway  Class Instructor List > Class Instructor Group you can find the following new indicator fields: Class Instructor Professoriate Ind, Class Instructor Emeriti Ind, Class Instructor Instructional Staff Ind, Class Instructor Non-Instructional Staff Ind, Class Instructor Other Ind, Class Instructor Unknown Ind, Class Instructor Acad Council Ind.


New Doctoral Milestones Dashboard - Use this report to review students who have expired or soon to expire candidacy or pre-candidacy, along with completion dates of their CAND QUALS milestone in any doctoral plans under a department, subschool, or school. Note that each section of this dashboard can be collapsed or expanded as needed, and that student EMPLIDs are hyperlinks that will bring you to the "Single Student" page of the My Department dashboard for further information.

New Doctoral Milestones fields - Within 4 subject areas (Advising, Student Class Enrollment, Plan Enrollment, & Census Enrollment), we have added a new set of data fields for Doctoral Milestones (folder pathway is Student Characteristics > Academic Activity and Status > Doctoral Milestones). The fields within the Doctoral Milestones folder include: Doctoral Plan Code, Doctoral Pre-candidacy Expiration Date, Doctoral Qualifying Exam Completed Indicator, Doctoral Qualifying Exam Completed Date, Doctoral Candidacy Granted Indicator, Doctoral Candidacy Granted Date, Doctoral Candidacy Expiration Date.

New “My PostDocs” and "Single PostDocs" Tabs in My Department Dashboard - The My Postdocs tab allows you to look up your invited, current, and former postdocs, including their appointment start and end dates, termination date, and appointment length. *Note that currently, users will need to select their department from the prompt on this tab to run each report. You can click on a postdoc's EMPLID on this tab to go to the Single Postdocs tab, which shows additional appointment information, transaction history, most recent status, faculty sponsor and research mentor information for a single postdoc.

New Fields Added to the Instruction by Any Class Subject Area - In the Course Characteristics folder we have added the following fields: Unified Course ID, Unified Course Offering Subject Code, Unified Course Offering Subject Desc, Unified Course Offering Catalog Num Text. In the Class Location and Meeting Time folder we have added the following fields: Class Mtg Days of the Week (concatenation of a course’s meeting days).

New "Total Enrollment” (Whether Crosslisted or Not) Columns - These new total enrollment fields allow you to view the total enrollment for a course regardless of whether or not it is crosslisted. You can find these fields in a different location when using the Student Class Enrollment Subject Area (Catalog > Shared Folders > Student Analytics > Subject Area Content > Stu - CLS - Student Class Enrollment). Fields are:Total Enrolled Excl Wdrwn Headcount, Total Enrolled Incl Wdrwn Headcount.

PostDocs Subject Area - Information on postdoctoral appointments, including dates and sponsor details.

School of Earth now Doerr School of Sustainability - The org hierarchy in SIRIS has replaced “School of Earth” with “Doerr School of Sustainability” retroactively, so you will no longer see “School of Earth” in reporting, even for the years before the Doerr School was created.

Changes to some WAYS indicator field names - In line with changes made to some of the Ways of Thinking, Ways of Doing category names, we have changed our WAYS class indicator fields to match:

               - Class Ways - Engaging Diversity Ind is now Class Ways - Exploring Difference and Power Ind

               - Class Ways - Quantitative Reasoning Ind is now Class Ways - Applied Quantitative Reasoning Ind

               - Class Ways - Aesthetic Interpretation Ind is now Class Ways - Aesthetic and Interpretive Inquiry Ind

Stu Class Acad Level field name changed to Stu Class Hybrid Level - The Stu Class Hybrid Level is a SIRIS-derived field that identifies the academic level of a student during the term in which they took a particular class (Ex: 1st Year UG; Doctoral Graduate Year 1). If a student has more than one career, the academic level of the highest career is shown.

Aggregate User Authority - we created a new tier of authority, allowing faculty and other staff that cannot gain dashboard user authority to view aggregate data in SIRIS, including the Annual Academic Summaries Dashboard.

Additional reports added to the Annual Academic Summaries Dashboard - uses standardized metrics to provide University leadership, Department Chairs, and other support staff with a clear and comprehensive snapshot of their departmental trends (students, instructors, and classes) over the past 10 years.

*Annual Academic Summaries Reference Guide


New “My Advisors” Tab in My Department Dashboard - Use the reports on this tab to look up: all of your currently appointed department advisors and the students they advise AND all those currently advising your department's students and the students they advise in each role/academic plan. *Note that currently, users will need to select their department from the prompt on this tab to run each report.

Revamped Reporting Catalog - we've updated our catalog of reports to be more user-friendly and easily searchable! Includes our promoted dashboards and reports within our Report Library.

SIRIS Data Timestamp - There is now a “SIRIS data as of:” timestamp on the SIRIS Portal dashboard in Most of the time data in SIRIS is as of the day before, but if you ever want to confirm what date data are as of (particularly if we’ve announced a planned outage or maintenance), check this page!

New “Single Advisor” Tab in My Department Dashboard - Use this tab to look up any individual advisor and quickly see all of their current or past advisees (regardless of what degree plans the students themselves are pursuing). You can also easily focus on specific advising roles from among the 28 different academic advising roles (such as just dissertation advisees, or only honors thesis advisees).

Advising Data Added to “Single Student” Tab in My Department Dashboard - For any student you select you’ll see all of their current advising academic advising relationships.

Annual Academic Summaries Dashboard - uses standardized metrics to provide University leadership, Department Chairs, and other support staff with a clear and comprehensive snapshot of their departmental trends (students, instructors, and classes) over the past 10 years.

*Advising Data Reference Guide
*Annual Academic Summaries Reference Guide

2021 updates

Student Advising Subject Area - Detailed information on student advising, including advisor information and student academic plans.

Student Class Academic Level - Identifies the academic level of the student during the term in which they took a particular class. (Ex: 1st Year UG; Doctoral Graduate Year 1). This field has been added to Student Class Enrollment.

Instructor Group Indicators - The following fields have been added to Student Class Enrollment: Class Instructor Professoriate Indicator, Class Instructor Emeriti Indicator, Class Instructor Instructional Staff Indicator, Class Instructor Non-Instructional Staff Indicator, Class Instructor Other Indicator, Class Instructor Unknown Indicator, and Class Instructor Acad Council Indicator.

Coterm Petition Fields - Data from the new coterm petition form has been added to SIRIS. The following fields have been added to the Plan and Term Enrollment and Student Class Enrollment subject areas: Coterm Petition Indicator, Coterm Petition Term, Coterm Petition Academic Plan Code, and Coterm Petition Academic Plan Long Description.

Knight-Hennessey Scholar Group Indicator - shows whether or not a student is a Knight-Hennessy Scholar.


New Terms Related to COVID - brought in fields from the Quarterly Check In form and other sources to assist staff with identifying their students' enrollment plans, locations, and class instruction modes.

2020-21 and COVID Related Reports - a set of dashboards and reports that allowed staff to track their students' location and enrollment patterns during the 2020-21 academic year. There is a corresponding guide, found here.

Teaching Activity by Instructor Group Dashboard - provides trend information on which groups of instructors are teaching students at Stanford. The first tab allows you to choose a 5- or 10-year span, and to anchor that span in a final year. Data are available from the year 2002-2003 forward.


Instruction by Any Class Section Subject Area - Detailed information on who teaches, including enrollment by section.

Instruction by Main Class Section Subject Area - Detailed information on who teaches, including main class enrollment.

Census All Enrollment Dashboard - provides a quarterly snapshot of the student population. Reports data from the academic year 2012-13 onward.

Census Autumn Enrollment Dashboard - provides an annual snapshot of the student population based in Autumn Quarter. Reports data from the academic year 2002-2003 to the most recently available census year.

Course Taking by Plan and Subplan Dashboard - provides information on popular courses among students in specific academic plans and subplans.

My Department Dashboard - provides information on an Academic Department’s students (current and former), classes, and instructors.

* Census Help
* Video: Using Student Census Data


Revision and Upgrade of Athletic Data to report accurately on student athletic status each quarter

Class Offering Subject Area - Classes and courses offered, including zero enrollment class sections

Student Class Enrollment Subject Area - Student enrollment in classes, including drops, waitlist, units, etc.

Class Enrollment Summary Dashboard - provides information Information about students, classes that they are/have enrolled in, and their plans (current or at the time when they took a particular class).

Counting Classes and Enrollment Summaries Dashboard - provides enrollments and headcounts at both the class section level and at the course level, depending on the tab you choose. Includes class sections with zero enrollments (discussion sections, etc.).

Crosslisted Classes Dashboard - provides information on crosslisted classes. View the class sections either individually (second tab), or as one combined row (third tab).


Creation of the Report Library in the BI Catalog, which allows for custom reports created in the ad hoc environment to be shared with users who only have dashboard access.

*Video: Where to find SIRIS Reporting


Census Enrollment Subject Area - Student term/plan enrollment as captured on specific census dates.


SIRIS goes live!

Academic Structure Subject Area - Reference information about academic careers, programs, plans, degrees, terms, acad orgs, etc.

Plan Enrollment Subject Area - Student plan enrollment information, general student academic and personal information, all Academic Structure fields.

Academic Offerings Dashboard - provides information about the possible academic pathways that students may undertake, as defined by the combinations of Academic Career, Academic Program, Academic Plan, Academic Subplan, and Degree that are available at Stanford.

Academic Structure Components Dashboard - provides a reference look-up to show the values and key attributes for each component of the Academic Structure.

Degrees Conferred Dashboard - provides information about degrees conferred by Stanford over time.

Plan and Term Enrollment Dashboard - provides information about student enrollment in Academic Plans for given Academic Terms.